Be Present; Be Always Alive: Lessons From SemperVivum And Iris (#183)


Delicate, fragile, fleeting;


Gently swaying in the breeze.

The Beauty of Iris


Sits and spreads

And lives beneath mention.

No great artist

Ever drew its visage.

Semper Vi

Iris lives brief,

Its days of bloom.

In the moment;


Semper Vi

Always alive;

Lives long;


Love and Grace and Gratitude,   Annie

ps. SemperVivum is more commonly known as “hens and chicks.”

About TinCanTraveler

Born under a wand'rin' star.... living in my Winnebago, traveling the country, explorer/adventurer, photographer, writer, chi master, massage therapist, retired teacher/counselor, work camper. Appreciation for the freedom to do it all. Enjoying life's ultimate lessons of trust, respect, and grace.
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11 Responses to Be Present; Be Always Alive: Lessons From SemperVivum And Iris (#183)

  1. Teresa says:

    Beautiful shots Annie. Hens and Chicks and Iris are two of my favorites. Happy Trails 🙂

  2. Sher says:

    I love them both and have them both in the yard. My iris’ are beautiful right now!

  3. Enjoyable photos and post. What is the name of the type of verse you wrote (if there is one)?


  4. Mat Rats says:

    Really inspiring thoughts put into words! I love succulents. Do you also grow them in your own garden?

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