When You Come To A Fork In The Road, Take It! (#182)

Out of the blue, we all sometimes need to change our plans.  Among other things my plans had included a volunteer job at a Virginia state park.

Instead my tin can cottage is snuggled among pine, red cedar and sassafras trees in the foothills of the Pocono mountains in Pennsylvania, my home state.

I came to a fork in the road, figuratively.  I knew any road was the right one as long as I led with my heart.

While on my sojourn in the north woods I am enjoying a richness of life that I missed more than I knew.

If you’ve ever meditated or heard of meditation, there’s always that suggestion to repeat a monosyllable with the hope of achieving inner peace.

I propose here a meditation with the eyes; a visual meditation.

Breathe in;

Breathe out.

Gaze,  gently

Sense the stillness,

The wonder,

The joy.

Tree Meditation 1


Tree Meditation 2


Tree Meditation 3

Tree Meditation 3

With gratitude for a joyous life!

Love,   Annie






About TinCanTraveler

Born under a wand'rin' star.... living in my Winnebago, traveling the country, explorer/adventurer, photographer, writer, chi master, massage therapist, retired teacher/counselor, work camper. Appreciation for the freedom to do it all. Enjoying life's ultimate lessons of trust, respect, and grace.
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6 Responses to When You Come To A Fork In The Road, Take It! (#182)

  1. Teresa says:

    Good to hear from you Annie. Sounds and looks like all is right with the world. Safe journey.

  2. Patti Kuche says:

    Breathing in, breathing out I can almost smell the pine needles and the woods! Funny how some of us need to leave home to know where it is, where to go back to . . .
    Joy to you Annie, wherever you are!

  3. Arianna says:

    I love how these photos capture the raindrops on the leaves!

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